The Toowoomba Chronicle!

The following articles by and about me first appeared in The Chronicle (Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia), were published online at URL and subsequently syndicated throughout the News Corp media network.

George Helon Toowoomba Chronicle.
On Thursday 1 October 2020 The Chronicle completed its transition to the centralized News Corp (Murdoch oligarchy) Press digital media system resulting in the loss of nearly all digital media published regionally before that date. Masthead included for illustrative purposes only.

On Thursday 1 October 2020 The Chronicle completed its transition to the centralized News Corp (Murdoch oligarchy) Press digital media system resulting in the loss of nearly all digital media published regionally before that date with no explanation other than “unfortunately reader contributed content couldn’t be migrated across” and “links posted prior to October 1 will no longer work” – and they don’t!

Albeit it was too late to obtain downloads of all the original publications in The Chronicle, it was possible to get some downloads from its sister sites within the News Corp network.

Because some of these articles were of a controversial nature they were very popular with, and extensively shared by readers, referenced and quoted from.

As to how long these jottings will remain online is anybody’s guess, so I have republished them here for reasons of posterity and future reference.

“Welcome to 1984 …. BIG BROTHER!”

Queen’s Call to Arms! (Sunshine Coast Daily, Monday 14 September 2020) Just before his eldest daughter Catherine Middleton married His Royal Highness Prince William, the future Duke of Cambridge on 29 April 2011 in Westminster Abbey, Michael Middleton was granted a coat of arms by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as a personal gift. Click HERE to read more.

Confiscate Mobile Phones. (Toowoomba Chronicle, Wednesday 29 July 2020) Today, more so than ever before, mobile phones are not only an essential part of peoples’ lives, but for some they are an extension of their lives; indeed for many more, mobile phones are their lives – they are glued to them 24/7! Click HERE to read more.

Cartoon Characters. (Toowoomba Chronicle, Wednesday 15 July 2020) Ever noticed most animated and cartoon characters have only four fingers – well, three and a thumb? Click HERE to read more.

Pell’s Acquittal: Victims’ Right of Reply! (Daily Mercury, Tuesday 5 May 2020) Warning: this article contains details of child sexual abuse which some people might find distressing, upsetting and triggering. Click HERE to read more.

Toowoomba and Complacency – a Disaster Waiting to Happen! (Toowoomba Chronicle, Wednesday 26 February 2020) Well, Mayor Paul Antonio might still “clearly remember the death and devastation the 2011 Toowoomba floods caused” (TC, 13/01) but like many ordinary residents, I can still remember the empty supermarket shelves: no bread, no milk, no water, no fresh produce; their being power outages, no access to fuel supplies, the ATMs and phones down and many public services disrupted and utilities inoperative! Click HERE to read more.

Remembering the Forgotten Holocaust of February 10. (Toowoomba Chronicle, Monday 10 February 2020) This year not only marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, the ending of the Second World War and the ending of the Holocaust; but did you know there were two Holocausts: one perpetrated against the Jews by Hitler and his Nazi henchmen and one perpetrated against ethnic Poles by Stalin and his communist Soviet Comrades? Click HERE to read more.

CBD Exodus More Sinister Than a Parking Problem. (Toowoomba Chronicle, Friday 2 August 2019) Some regional councillors, city planners, academics, CBD business owners, community leaders and customers would have us believe a lack of parking is responsible for the retail downturn and economic demise of Toowoomba’s central business district. Click HERE to read more.

16:8 – The Diet to Dine For! (News Mail, Monday 17 June 2019) I began my weight loss journey on 13 September 2018 tipping the scales at a shirt bursting 94.5 kilograms. Click HERE to read more.

Call for City Bible Museum. (Toowoomba Chronicle, Fiday 7 June 2019) Toowoomba resident George Helon has a passion for rare, antique and ancient Bibles and religious texts, and now the keen collector is looking to share his interests in Bibles of all kinds. Click HERE to read more.

JP Recognised for 25 Years of Service. (Highlife Downs Living Magazine, Tuesday 23  April 2019 – Hayley Hinze) Toowoomba citizen George Helon has recently been recognised for his 25 years of distinguished service as Justice of the Peace. Click HERE to read more.

Deaf Customers Disadvantaged and Discriminated Against. (Toowoomba Chronicle, Friday 21 December 2018) Contrary to stereotypical community perceptions, not all hearing impaired people are simply deaf as a post and unable to hear anything, and most certainly, they are not stupid or dumb! Click HERE to read more.

My Health Record Could Mean a Death Sentence! (Toowoomba Chronicle, Friday 14 December 2018) Living with multiple, complex and chronic health conditions I have been in-and-out of hospitals (general and emergency admissions) throughout my life and attended at numerous specialist appointments both here in Australia and overseas. Click HERE to read more.

Why is it Taking so Long to Raise Money for Mosque Rebuild? (Toowoomba Chronicle, Wednesday 14 November 2018) On Saturday, October 27, the Garden City Mosque opened its doors to the public once again as part of the fifth annual National Mosque Open Day. Click HERE to read more.

Abuse Victims Reeling from Clayton’s Apology! (Toowoomba Chronicle, Monday 29 October 2018) On Monday 22 October 2018, the Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, delivered the National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse at Parliament House in Canberra. Click HERE to read more.

Is it Time to Reclaim Free Speech? (Toowoomba Chronicle, Friday 8 June 2018) Editor Steve Etwell penned: “Surely there are people out there with an opinion” (TC, 02/06). Click HERE to read more.

Say My Name: The Enigma of Annastacia Palaszczuk’s Surname. (Toowoomba Chronicle, Tuesday 8 May 2018) PAL-LA-SHAY you might be encouraged to say of our Queensland Premier’s surname, but nothing could be more erroneous, culturally and historically insulting to those of fair dinkum Polish ancestry. Click HERE to read more.

Summer Can Really Be the Pits! (Toowoomba Chronicle, Tuesday 19 December 2017) Summer is now in full swing and the weather is getting much warmer; there is something in the air and it’s not the fragrant smell of flowers, that’s for sure. Click HERE to read more.

Man with Life-Threatening Disorder Needs NBN: ‘It’s a Joke.’ (Sunshine Coast Daily, Tuesday 25 July 2017 – Meghan Harris) A Toowoomba man has slammed the NBN after trying unsuccessfully for months to have the network installed in his home. Click HERE to read more.

Toowoomba Man With Rare Disorder Creates Life Saving Kit. (News Mail, Friday 7 July 2017 – Meghan Harris) TOOWOOMBA man George Helon has lived with an extremely rare disorder his entire life. But he is using his experience with his disorder to help others. Click HERE to read more.

Are You MedicReady in Case of Emergency? (Toowoomba Chronicle, Monday 19 June 2017) When I was growing-up, I was always told that “in this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” But what about accidents, emergencies, hospitalisations, or sickness? “Not if – but when?” Click HERE to read more.

Starting a Business: When Crowd Funding is Not Such a Good Idea! (Toowoomba Chronicle, Wednesday 22 February 2017) Lately there has been a proliferation of crowd fund sourcing enterprises like and (whose catchphrase is “It’s just like Shark Tank, but live on stage”). Click HERE to read more.

White Christmas ‘Golliwog’ Display Labelled Racist. (Toowoomba Chronicle, Thursday 1 December 2016 – Andrew Backhouse) An Aboriginal activist has labelled a display at a Toowoomba chemist racist and demanded its removal. Click HERE to read more.

The Freedom of the City of London: a Peculiar Privilege to Die For! (Toowoomba Chronicle, Wednesday 16 November 2016) Steeped in long-held tradition, and believed to have been first presented in 1237, the Freedom of the City of London sports one of the oldest surviving traditional ceremonies still in existence. Click HERE to read more.

Family History: Digging Your Own Grave! (Toowoomba Chronicle, Thursday 25 August 2016) Captivated and spurred on by the advent and promulgation of documentary reality television programs such as ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ and ‘Finding Your Roots’ some people have become obsessed with the science of genealogy – the study of families and the tracing of one’s lineage and history – in the hope that they might descend from some royal or noble personage, or be related to some famous mega star or historical character of notoriety. Click HERE to read more.

MasterChef Australia Serves Up Mediocre Judges. (Toowoomba Chronicle, Tuesday 12 July 2016) There should be a parental guidance warning given before MasterChef airs advising parents that of the judges appearing, one in particular lacks some of the cooking, table and dining manners that parents try to instil in, and expect of their children! Click HERE to read more.

Is Your Business Really Yours for Keeps? (Toowoomba Chronicle, Monday 11 April 2016) So you have got a great business name and a brand that is easily identifiable and known to many; you survived the GFC; you have built-up a considerable trading reputation over many, many years and you are a market leader – you’re here to stay! Well – just may be? Click HERE to read more.

Toowoomba Tourist Sees Bus Roof Ripped Off in London. (Sunshine Coast Daily, Tuesday 4 August 2015 – Andrew Backhouse) A tourist from Toowoomba on holidays in England has witnessed a London bus collide with a tree as it was going through Bloomsbury, slicing its entire roof off. Click HERE to read more.

Ark of the Covenant Comes to Toowoomba. (Toowoomba Chronicle, Thursday 4 December 2014 – Andrew Backhouse) Watch out Indiana Jones fans, the Ark of the Covenant has arrived in Toowoomba. Click HERE to read more.

Heavy Rain Causes Graves to Sink at City Cemetery. (Sunshine Coast Daily, Wednesday 2 April 2014 – N. Houghton) Heavy rain and flooding has caused serious damage to the Drayton and Toowoomba Cemetery with sunken grave plots, broken headstones and erosion creating a confronting scene for visitors. Click HERE to read more.

Unusual Link Connects Theologian with History. (The Chronicle, Saturday 22 March 2014) You might wonder where George Helon developed his love of Bible history, given he’s a non-practising Christian. Click HERE to read more.




Article originally published 12 October 2020. Revised: 14 March 2025; 30 November 2023; 4 January 2022.