Political Activism

George Helon Monarchy
As I stated in 1997: “freedom is not so much a right to enjoy as it is a privilege and reward for those who will honour and defend it.” Image Copyright (C) George W. Helon: Australia; 1997-2025. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

Some Highlights of My Political and Advocacy Activities!

2021 – From 19 September (to present) National Carer Advocate.

2018 – During December began public initiatives and undertakings as a patient, mentor, counsellor and advocate for those with rare diseases and genetic disorders, and a proponent for aged care and carers.

2014 – From 28 October (to present) Child Sexual Abuse Victim Survivor Advocate.

George Helon Redress.
“The Great Redress Chase!” This about sums-up the National Redress Scheme for People who have Experienced Institutional Child Sexual Abuse. Image Copyright (C) George W. Helon: Australia; 2018-2025. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

2012 – Served (until 2013) on the Toowoomba Regional Access and Disability Advisory Committee (RADAC).

1997 – June through to December; campaigned throughout the Hinkler Electorate in Queensland for election to the Constitution Convention on an Australian Republic.

1997 – Speech “The Monarchy and Republicanism – The European Perspective” given at the Monarchist League in Australia / Queenslanders for Constitutional Monarchy Joint Constitutional Campaign Ticket Launch: Brisbane; Monday 23 June.

1997 – Endorsed as Candidate, Constitutional Monarchist Joint (AML / QCM) Ticket, for the Election of Delegates to the People’s Constitutional Convention on an Australian Republic.

George Helon Monarchist
Australian Constitutional Convention: Joint AML / QCM Queensland Monarchist Ticket Launch: Brisbane; June 1997. Candidates (from L-R): Dr Glen Sheil (dec.), Lady Flo Bjelke-Petersen (dec.), Rev. Dr Noel Wallis, Michael Darby and George Helon. Source: The Courier Mail: Brisbane; Tuesday 24 June 1997; p.4. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

1995 – As reported in The Australian Standard (May / June 1995 Issue; pp. 1-2.) I made complaint to the Australian Federal Police to investigate whether the then Prime Minister, Mr Keating had breached sections of the Crimes Act in his push to turn Australia into a republic.

George Helon Keating Accused 1
Complaint to the Australian Federal Police to investigate whether the then Prime Minister, Mr Keating had breached sections of the Crimes Act in his push to turn Australia into a republic. CLICK picture above to view larger image.
George Helon Keating Accused 2
Letter to the Australian Federal Police dated 25 April 1995 requesting investigation as to whether the then Prime Minister, Mr Keating had breached sections of the Crimes Act in his push to turn Australia into a republic. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

1992 – Researcher for the Smythesdale Progress Association Refuse Disposal Sub-Committee (Victoria).

1990 – Independent candidate for the Federal Seat of Ballarat, House of Representatives general election. The Seat was held by John Mildren (ALP); the candidates were: Michael Ronaldson (Lib.), Bill Scetrine (Dem.), Jodie Rickard (CTA), George Helon (Ind.), and Greg Mays (Ind,). The Seat was won by the Liberal Party.

George Helon Election 1990
Liberal Party of Australia How to Vote Card: Ballarat Electorate; Saturday 24 March 1990 General Election. CLICK picture above to view larger image.



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Copyright (C) George W. Helon: Australia; 2018-2025.


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