Covid Vaccine: the Odds and the Gods Have Never Favoured Me; it’s Just Too Risky!

I shouldn’t be forced to have the Covid Vaccine – it is just too risky!

George Helon Covid Vaccine.
How many fought and died to end racism, segregation, discrimination, persecution and genocide; does Nazism and Stalinism ring any bells? Image Copyright (C) George W. Helon: Australia; 2021-2025. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

CORPORATE MEDIA CENSORSHIP: Within 15 minutes of posting this article and accompanying video to YouTube on Friday 26 November 2021 it was promptly deleted and replaced with the text message: “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines (Medical Misinformation).”

I received email advice from YouTube stating “YouTube doesn’t allow content about COVID-19 that poses a serious risk of egregious harm.

YouTube doesn’t allow content that spreads medical misinformation that contradicts local health authorities’ (LHA) or the World Health Organization’s (WHO) medical information about COVID-19.”

Appeal against decision laid and promptly rejected!



George Helon C-19 Statement.
“May all those who could of, should of, but didn’t attempt to prevent Humanity’s Slide to Dictatorial Totalitarian Rule, Medical Apartheid, Segregation and Discrimination, may you be Damned to Hell!” Image Copyright (C) George W. Helon: Australia; 2021-2025. CLICK picture above to view larger image.


G’DAY Everybody!

My name is George Helon and I live in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Today I’d like to tell you why some people like myself are holding out, and against having the Covid-19 Vaccine at this time?

First of all, none of us has, or had any choice in having this ‘so-called’ vaccine!

Let’s just call it ‘the jab’!

CHOICE is having the power or right to choose between 2 or more of any number, possibilities, varieties; well – anything!

Should I eventually be left with no option but to have ‘the jab’ – and suffer any ADVERSE REACTIONS, or worse still, DIE – this video is my living testament to be cited, held and used in evidence against any person, private entity, company, organisation, government agency, or politicians.

I can’t reconcile in my mind any reason how having ‘the jab’ could mitigate the risk of not having it.

The ODDS and the GODS have never favoured me; it’s Just TOO RISKY, and I am not a gambling man!

Hear me out, make up your own mind, and honestly ask yourself if you walked a mile in my shoes – “would you risk having ‘the jab’?”

Like many others – and should existing and proposed government mandates prevail – I will find myself treated like a leper: ostracised from society, alienated, discriminated against, marginalised, segregated, excluded and punished because of my ethics, moral principles, religious convictions, personal views, and my quite valid concerns?

I alone should have free will; the choice to say what goes into my body, especially when I firmly consider the consequences for allowing myself to be a guinea pig in a medical trial to be disproportionate to any mooted benefits from having an under-tested, possibly debilitating and potentially fatal bio entity administered to into me.

I’m not an anti-vaxxer, tinfoil hat nutter, vaccine hesitant, or vaccine resistant; I was born a free thinking and free-willed human being who is concerned for my well-being, life and for the future of my family and the human race; more particularly my elderly and infirm mother for whom I am the primary 24/7/365 carer of.

WHEN the administration of a ‘so-called’ vaccine is not by voluntary choice, but forced upon everybody through mandates, coercive tactics, forced compulsion, threats, bullying and duress;

WHEN over 4000 qualified and independently minded Queensland health care workers (including doctors and nurses) have been suspended or stood down for refusing ‘the jab’;

WHEN thousands of police, emergency and volunteer service workers have been forced to resign because they have chosen to not be forcibly injected with an unknown bio entity;

WHEN hundreds of thousands of ordinary people have to choose between submitting to ‘the jab’ or lose their livelihoods;

WHEN governments, political and religious leaders and their representatives openly promote alienation, discrimination, marginalisation, segregation, persecution and vaccine/medical apartheid;

WHEN bribes are offered by the establishment to ‘encourage’ people to submit to ‘the jab’;

WHEN having ‘the jab’ does not guarantee one not getting Covid-19;

WHEN there is no thought or discussion about the potential for long term and intergenerational health impacts;

WHEN basic ‘freedoms’ are used as an incentive for getting ‘the jab’;

WHEN both governments and pharmaceutical companies have liberated themselves of any liability from any responsibility for adverse reactions, their effects and resulting deaths, and when any information, views, comments and opinions contradictory to the government’s narrative are moderated, vetted, edited, censored, or deleted from the internet in order to maintain and promote a biased mainstream media agenda, what we are being forced to have put into our bodies is not a vaccine by any stretch of the imagination but an experimental bio entity administered through unconstitutional medical procedures which no person, entity or government has the right to force anybody to be subjected to.

What governments are compelling and coercing people to do amounts to crimes against humanity.

Being explicitly forced to submit to having ‘the jab’ is tantamount to being given a death sentence in the hope that it might be commuted to life and you live to tell the tale.

Freedom of choice and health care are inherent human rights that should always be upheld without question or doubt, fervently protected and vehemently defended.

I have very sound and exceptionally valid reasons for my opposition against mandated and forced vaccinations.

You see, since I before I was born the ODDS, and the GODS have never been good to me!

When pregnant my mother took thalidomide, a drug that was marketed as a sedative and treatment for morning sickness in pregnant women in the late 50s and early 60s.

This drug subsequently caused some babies to be born with a range of disabilities.

My mother also contracted German measles early in her pregnancy.

I was born with an extremely rare genetic disorder called Pallister-Hall Syndrome (or PHS), of which there are only about 600 cases known about the world over.

Pallister-Hall Syndrome (PHS) is it is a multiple anomaly congenital disorder affecting many parts of the body and is responsible for innumerable medical, health, neurological and psychological issues, conditions, abnormalities and malformations.

Myself personally, I am affected by physical anomalies, an enlarged heart with regurgitating valves, throat defects and ongoing kidney and other issues; just to name a few!

I have a large 3 to 4cm hypothalamic hamartoma, or brain tumour, deemed inoperable because it is of, not in the hypothalamus.

Not many of you would know just how important the hypothalamus is to one’s very existence?

By definition, the hypothalamus is one of the most important parts of the brain for it participates in a number of vital activities. It regulates a variety of hormonal functions by action on the pituitary gland, and it exerts magisterial control over the blood vessels and glands of the body via the autonomic nervous system. It is an integral part of the limbic system which influences important aspects of our behaviour and even our very survival.

The hypothalamus controls heart rate and blood pressure, body temperature, fluid and electrolyte balance, appetite and body weight, endocrine processes, sleep cycles and most automatic functions of the body.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (or ASD) is often one of the tell-tale calling cards of a hypothalamic hamartoma, and well, yours truly has that too!

Symptoms include seizures, cognitive impairments, emotional difficulties, behavioural issues, episodes of hypothalamic rage and endocrine disturbances.

As a direct result of my brain tumour I have suffered all my life from an extremely rare form of epilepsy which results in generally uncontrollable gelastic (or laughing) seizures and narcolepsy; I also have profound neuro-sensory hearing loss and hormonal deficiencies for which I am taking hormone replacements.

Fortunately for me, my epilepsy has been stable these past years so l am able to drive my mother everywhere she needs and wants to go: specialist appointments, weekly doctor visits, weekly blood tests, x-rays, scans, shopping, errands and irregular travel.

I have read ‘the jab’ can trigger seizures.

That stated, if l have a seizure l am off the road for a minimum of 12 months!

Who is going to look after our appointment and other travel needs and accept responsibility for the costs to get us about?

More burden on the tax payer and the already over stretched and under resourced support organisations!

In 2008, and quite by accident, I was found to have a 4.1cm (now 4.4cm) lesion in the presacral region (that’s about the tail bone) of my spine later identified as a retro rectal hamartoma, or tail gut tumour / teratoma.

Retro rectal hamartomas are rare in women, and almost unheard of in men; these tumours are usually benign, but can turn malignant very quickly so they need constant monitoring.

Once again the odds are against me.

In August 2016 I had a TDAP (Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis) vaccine and became violently ill within weeks.

My GP has told me that because I had a more than 24 to 48 hour delayed reaction to the TDAP vaccine I can’t get an exemption from ‘the jab’.

Yet I was terribly sick for over 3 months with: breathing difficulties, a lung infection, crippling body aches and pains, the loss of my voice, headache, fever, diarrhoea, red and irritated eyes, conjunctivitis and general malaise; and over a dozen people can attest to my suffering!

In September 2016 a sputum test resulted in my being diagnosed with haemophilus influenzae type b, or Hib.

Considering the preceding symptoms, was it really the flu I had, or was it Covid?

And for all of this I have copies of my medical records and imaging as proof of my claims.

According to the CDC (USA), “adults of any age WITH CERTAIN UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS are at increased risk for severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccines are recommended for and CAN BE ADMINISTERED TO MOST PEOPLE with underlying medical conditions.”

My multiple and chronic health conditions in no way give me any reprieve or exemption!

There are some out there who have no understanding of my complex medical conditions and who would argue quite vehemently that having chronic medical conditions is more the reason to have ‘the jab’.

Those who have had ‘the jab’ and survived with little or no effects – for the moment – are lucky, and they shouldn’t be pointing the finger at, and passing judgment on others who are genuinely concerned for their health, wellbeing, and most of all, life!

Having pre-existing medical conditions makes you more vulnerable to the consequences of many of those things compromised by adverse reactions; it is not a precarious situation one wants to put oneself in.

Now please excuse the pun, but I am not a normal person so to speak, I am a vulnerable person with already altered DNA; I am a person who has never had the odds and the Gods in one’s favour, therefore I consider myself potentially more at risk of adverse reactions, or even death if I have the so-called Covid-19 vaccine – ‘the jab’!

These ‘jabs’ have been tested on – let’s say – normal people, not those with chronic genetic disorders and rare diseases.

Our veterans, fathers and grandfathers fought and sacrificed so much combating Fascism, Nazism and Stalinism so that we could enjoy many basic freedoms; they must be turning in the graves with shame and regret!

And to think that (like my family) so many refugees who fled totalitarian regimes were welcomed into our communities to live in freedom with choice and dignity only to find themselves jumping from the pot into the frying pan!

Instead of effecting mandates, punishing, dividing people and encouraging them to turn on one another, governments should be asking what they can do for those who either can’t have, or don’t want to have ‘the jab’ vaccine for medical, ethical, or religious reasons.

Let’s stand together as one – the vaccinated, the unvaccinated, war vterans, the peoples of Australia; shoulder-to-shoulder – and say no to government mandates!





Article originally published 22 November 2021. Revised: 14 March 2025; 30 November 2023; 16 January 2023; 31 December 2021; 10 December 2021; 2 December 2021; 25 November 2021; 24 November 2021.

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