Community Service

With Staff Genetic Support Network of Victoria (GSNV)
From left: Kari Klein (Project Co-Ordinator of the Genetic Support Network of Victoria – GSNV), George Helon (Founder and Facilitator of the Gelastic Seizure and Pallister-Hall Syndrome (PHS) Support Hubs), and Monica Ferrie (CEO of the Genetic Support Network of Victoria – GSNV). Image Copyright (C) George W. Helon: Australia; 2018-2025. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

It’s an Honour to Serve!

One of my life’s guiding principles is that each person should take some time to help out, assist and nurture others – especially those genuinely less fortunate, disadvantaged, and needy – wherever, whenever, and in whatever way they can in order that those lacking might aspire to higher ideals, standards and values.

Community Service I am Proud of!

As a fulltime carer and national advocate it is always an honour and a privilege to make representations to local, regional, state and national authorities.

Advocacy is about getting out there and canvassing for the support of those who have the power to effect change.

George Helon Toowoomba Councillors.
Pictured with (L-R) Toowoomba Regional Council Mayor Cr Geoff McDonald, Cr Trevor Manteufel, Cr Edwina Farquhar and Cr Kerry Shine. Image Copyright (C) and courtesy of Geoff McDonald: Australia; 2024-2025. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

On Thursday 17 October 2024, Members of the Darling Downs Warrior Carers Support Group (DDWCSG) were fortunate to be invited to attend a National Carer’s Week Morning Tea hosted by Toowoomba Regional Council Mayor Cr Geoff McDonald and attended by fellow Councillors: Cr Rebecca Vonhoff, Deputy Mayor; Cr Edwina Farquhar; Cr Trevor Manteufel, and Cr Kerry Shine.

On Monday 14 October 2024 it was a privilege to meet with Suzie Holt to discuss the plight of Australia’s 2.65 million primary (and usually unpaid) carers.

George Helon Suzie Holt.
Advocacy in action. Pictured with Suzie Holt, Independent Candidate for the Federal Division of Groom. Image Copyright (C) and courtesy of Suzie Holt: Australia; 2024-2025. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

Suzie previously stood, and will be standing again as an Independent Candidate for the Federal Division of Groom at the next federal election.

“It’s clear that carers in our community are often overworked, underpaid, and not given the respect they deserve,” she said.

Suzie added, “when I’m elected, I’ll be standing side by side with you George to make sure carers get a fair go. Carers are the people holding families together, day-in and day-out, and it’s time someone stepped up for them.”

“To all the carers: I see you, I value you, and I’ll fight for the support you need.”

As a fulltime carer and national advocate I was honoured to be representing the thousands of Toowoomba carers – and the Darling Downs Warrior Carers Support Group (DDWCSG) – at The Carers Foundation Australia’s Unsung Heroes 2024 Gala Event held in Brisbane on Saturday 5 October 2024.

The event raised hundreds of thousands of dollars towards the establishment of Australia’s first dedicated Wellbeing and Education Support Centre for family carers across the nation.

Pictured with Ronnie Benbow OAM, Founding Director of The Carers Foundation Australia and husband Michael at the foundation’s Unsung Heroes 2024 Gala Event held in Brisbane on Saturday 5 October 2024. Image Copyright (C) and courtesy of The Carers Foundation Australia; 2024-2025. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

The Real Cost of Caring! Taking my advocacy for the better recognition and proper financial remuneration of primary carers to the next level.

George Helon Better Homes Gardens.
Better Homes and Gardens July 2024 Special Feature article. The Real Cost of Love. The Reality of Being an Unpaid Carer. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

Meeting with Toowoomba Regional Council Mayor Cr Geoff McDonald on Monday 20 November 2023.

Pictured with Toowoomba Regional Council Mayor Cr Geoff McDonald and Sue Waters, unpaid carers state advocate and founder of the Darling Downs Warrior Carers Support Group (DDWCSG). Image Copyright (C) and courtesy of Geoff McDonald: Australia; 2024-2025. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

EPILEPSY WARRIOR and the national face of Epilepsy Action Australia for the week Thursday 26 October to Wednesday 1 November 2023.

Let’s break the stigma around epilepsy and raise awareness.

We often hear about the more common forms of epilepsy, but what about the rarer types with more complex causes? Image Copyright (C) George W. Helon: Australia; 2023-2025. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

Out at the National Senior’s EXPO in Toowoomba on Thursday 26 October 2023 publicising the Darling Downs Warrior Carers Support Group (DDWCSG) and campaigning for carers again. Reported by 7NEWS Queensland.

As well as a national carer advocate I am also a member of, and the media liaison for the Darling Downs Warrior Carers Support Group (DDWCSG). CLICK picture above to view larger image.

To coincide with the launch of National Carers Week (Sunday 15 to Saturday 21) 2023 a group of us regional carers and our supporters took to the streets of Toowoomba on Monday October 16 to draw attention to the national plight and struggles of unpaid caregivers.

Great to have the support of 7NEWS Queensland who have covered a number of our public advocacy endeavours. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

The Darling Downs Warrior Carers Support Group (DDWCSG) challenged the public to ‘Walk in the Shoes of an Unpaid Carer’ as we carted loads of shoes about town and handed out information brochures.

National Carers Week 2022 once again afforded me the opportunity to raise community awareness among all Australians about the diversity of carers and their caring roles.

Carers Australia publicly noted: “George is an incredible advocate and active member of the caring community (16 October 2022).”

George Helon Carers Week 2022.
National Carers Week 2022. Screenshot image from Carers Australia Facebook Page; Sunday 16 October 2022. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

CARERS, THE FORGOTTEN PEOPLE. My interview with David Iliffe, On Breakfast, ABC Southern Queensland, Radio 4QS, 747AM. Aired 9.05am on Monday 11 April 2022.

George Helon ABC News.
CLICK picture above to visit landing page, On Breakfast with David Illife, ABC Southern Queensland, Radio 4QS, 747AM.

As a fulltime 24/7/365 carer and an advocate for aged care and carers, I accepted the opportunity to make public comment about how the Federal government’s 2022-23 Budget had nothing for Australia’s most vulnerable; among them carer’s like myself.

George Helon Budget 2022.
The biggest losers in the Federal government’s 2022-23 Budget are the most vulnerable in the community; among them carer’s. Image courtesy 7NEWS Queensland: Toowoomba; Tuesday 30 March 2022. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

Accepted voluntary position as Media Spokesperson for the Darling Downs Warrior Carers Support Group (DDWCSG): Toowoomba; Saturday 5 March 2022.

George Helon Mayor Geoff McDonald.
Pictured giving opening address at National Carer’s Week Morning Tea hosted by Toowoomba Regional Council Mayor Cr Geoff McDonald: Toowoomba; Thursday 17 October 2024. Image Copyright (C) and courtesy of Geoff McDonald: Australia; 2024-2025. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

As a Kentucky Colonel and honorary Aide-de-Camp to His Excellency the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the Honourable Andy Beshear, I journeyed from my home in Toowoomba to the Gold Coast on Monday 24 January 2022 to present Letters Patent of Commission and vestments to Australia’s latest – and 52nd – Kentucky Colonel Peter Kevin Barry.

George Helon Peter Barry.
Pictured at Paradise Point, Monday 24 January 2022. From left: Col. George William Helon, honorary Aide-de-Camp to His Excellency the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the Honourable Andy Beshear and Col. Peter Kevin Barry, newly Commissioned Kentucky Colonel. Image Copyright (C) George W. Helon: Australia; 2022-2025. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

Col. Barry was both surprised and shocked – let’s say gobsmacked – to receive his Commission as a Kentucky Colonel.

A University of Queensland Master of Dental Science (Periodontology) graduate, and former RAAF Flight Lieutenant, Col. Barry has been a dental practice owner, clinician and trainer about the Gold Coast since 2001.

Organizer, sponsor and curator of the Hasan Riza Hatti Mushaf-i Serif Qur’an (The Holy Qur‘an Copied by Hasan Riza) Exhibition at the Garden City Mosque: Toowoomba; Saturday 14 November 2020.

George Helon Toowoomba Mosque.
Having a look at the century-old Quran handwritten by Hasan Riza Hatti from Turkey. From left: George Helon (Exhibition organiser, sponsor and curator), Professor Shahjahan Khan (Toowoomba Islamic Society President) and Abdul Kader (Toowoomba Mosque Imam). Image Copyright (C) Kevin Farmer: Australia; 2020-2025. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

At the conclusion of the exhibition, the Hasan Riza Qur’an was donated to the Islamic Society of Toowoomba and finally installed in the new Mosque on Sunday 13 August 2023 where it is now rests permanently in its customised display cabinet.

Finally installed in its imposing display cabinet, the Hasan Riza Qur’an is now on permanent exhibition in the new Mosque. Image Copyright (C) George W. Helon: Australia; 2023-2025. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

You can read more about the activities of the Toowoomba Garden City Mosque and the 2020 Exhibition here.

At the 2019 Queensland Community Achievement Awards in Brisbane on Friday 29 November 2019 I received a Certificate of Achievement from the State Minister for Communities and Minister for Disability Services and Seniors, the Hon. Coralee O’Rourke MP.

George Helon Community Awards 2019.
At the 2019 Queensland Community Achievement Awards (Brisbane 29 November 2019) receiving Certificate of Achievement from the State Minister for Communities and Minister for Disability Services and Seniors, the Hon. Coralee O’Rourke MP. Image Copyright (C) George W. Helon: Australia; 2019-2025. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

THE CITATION: “George Helon of Kearneys Spring has been instrumental in enriching the lives of hundreds of people who would have otherwise found themselves disadvantaged during times of trauma, accident, emergency and hospitalisation.”

George Helon Community Award Citation.
Truly an honour to be a recipient in the 2019 Queensland Community Achievement Awards. CLICK picture above to view a larger image of the Citation.

You can read the article published in Highlife Downs Living magazine on 11 December 2019 here.

On 28 November 2019 I was granted membership of the Genetic Support Network of Victoria’s (GSNV) Speakers Bureau and am now available for public speaking engagements. You can read more about my experience in the genetics community and the topics I can present on here.

As a person with an extremely rare multiple-anomaly genetic disorder (Pallister-Hall Syndrome – PHS) and a rare form of epilepsy (which results in Gelastic, or ‘laughing’ seizures) I was honoured to have been asked by the Genetic Support Network of Victoria (GSNV) to participate in their ‘Lived Experience Interview Podcast Series’.

On Wednesday 14 August 2019 I travelled from Toowoomba in Queensland to attend at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) in Melbourne where a lengthy 55-minute podcast interview was conducted.

George Helon Pallister-Hall Podcast
As part of the Genetic Support Network of Victoria’s Lived Experience Interview Podcast Series, patient, mentor, counsellor and advocate George Helon of Toowoomba (QLD) talked with Project Facilitator Kari Klein about Pallister-Hall Syndrome (PHS) and Gelastic Seizures. CLICK image above to read and/or download the full transcript of the Podcast.

The purpose of the series is to explore the impact of genetic conditions across a range of life stages – from the patient’s perspective – so that people might better understand the concerns, and appreciate the realities of a patient’s development and experiences as they get older.

George Helon GSNV Podcast.
From left: Kari Klein (Project Co-Ordinator of the Genetic Support Network of Victoria – GSNV), George Helon (Founder and Facilitator of the Pallister-Hall Syndrome (PHS) and Gelastic Seizure Support Hubs), and Monica Ferrie (CEO of the Genetic Support Network of Victoria – GSNV). Image Copyright (C) George W. Helon: Australia; 2019-2025. CLICK picture above to listen to the podcast.

Appointed a Justice of the Peace (Qualified) for the State of Queensland on 17 January 1994, I was honoured to receive an Award Recognising my 25 Years of Distinguished Service from the Hon. David Janetzki, Shadow Attorney-General, Shadow Minister for Justice and State Member for Toowoomba South on Friday 22 March 2019.

George Helon 25 Years a Justice of the Peace.
Pictured with the Hon. David Janetzki, Shadow Attorney-General, Shadow Minister for Justice and State Member for Toowoomba South presenting Award Recognising 25 Years of Distinguished Service as a Justice of the Peace for the State of Queensland : Toowoomba; Friday 22 March 2019. Image Copyright (C) George W. Helon: Australia; 2019-2025. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

As an Abuse Victim Survivor Advocate (since 28 October 2014) I attended at the National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse which was delivered by the Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon Scott Morrison MP on Monday 22 October 2018 at Parliament House in Canberra.

George Helon Bill Shorten.
Pictured at Parliament House in Canberra with the Leader of the Opposition the Hon Bill Shorten MP. Image Copyright (C) George W. Helon: Australia; 2018-2025. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

Founder and Coordinator Pallister-Hall Syndrome (PHS) Support Hub which  provides information, materials and resources to patients, their parents, carers, allied healthcare workers and specialists around-the-world (Facebook): Toowoomba, Queensland; 9 September 2013 to present.

George Helon Pallister-Hall Syndrome
Banner of the Pallister-Hall Syndrome (PHS) Support Hub – Facebook. Image Copyright (C) George W. Helon: Australia; 2013-2025. CLICK picture above to visit page.

Founder and Coordinator Gelastic Seizure Support Hub (Facebook): Toowoomba; 8 March 2013 to present.

George Helon Gelastic Seizures
Banner of the Gelastic Seizure Support Hub – Facebook. Image Copyright (C) George W. Helon: Australia; 2013-2025. CLICK picture above to visit page.

On 16 December 2012 I established (under the auspices of Family Tree DNA in Houston: USA) the Aboriginal Tribes Australia DNA Project which now boasts almost 350 Members.

George Helon Spirit of Australia National Flag.
The Aboriginal Tribes Australia DNA Project was established in 2012 under the auspices of Family Tree DNA: Houston; USA. Pictured here is my proposed design for the SPIRIT OF AUSTRALIA National Flag. Image Copyright (C) George W. Helon: Australia; 2012-2025. Unrestricted use of image permitted provided creator and source credited. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

Member of the Regional Access & Disability Advisory Committee (RADAC), Toowoomba Regional Council; 14 December 2012 to 9 September 2013.

Custodian and Curator for the Helon Theology Reference Library (HTRL): Toowoomba; 21 November 2012 to present.

George Helon Theology
Exhibition – Evolution of the Bible through the Ages: A Pictorial Account of its Beginnings, History, Translation and Transmission (Monday 17 March 2014 through to Wednesday 30 April 2014). Hosted by the Helon Theology Reference Library (HTRL). News article: How Accurate is Your Version of the Bible? The Chronicle Weekend Edition: Toowoomba; Saturday 22 March 2014; p.1. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

Commenced active lobbying and public engagement as a National Carer Advocate; Thursday 19 June 2008.

Committee Member of the Queensland Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF), Toowoomba City Council; 5 September 2007 to (disbandment on) 17 June 2008.

Founder / Webmaster / Public Liaison and Information Officer for the Pallister-Hall Foundation (Aust.): Toowoomba; 11 April 2002 to 31 December 2005.

Committee Member of the Queensland Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF), Burnett Shire, Queensland; June 2000 to June 2001.

Publicity Officer and Newsletter Editor for the Innes Park Residents’ and Ratepayers’ Association: Queensland; 1996.

Appointed a Justice of the Peace (Qualified) for the State of Queensland, Australia on 17 January 1994.

George Helon Justice of the Peace
Appointed a Justice of the Peace (Qualified) for the State of Queensland, Australia on 17 January 1994. Image Copyright (C) George W. Helon: Australia; 1994-2025. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

Officer Lieutenant in the Australian Army Cadet Corps (AACC), St Patrick’s College Cadet Unit: Ballarat, Victoria; 1992.

George Helon Army Cadets
Lieutenant in the Australian Army Cadet Corps (AACC). Source: College Annual 1992 – St Patrick’s College Ballarat: Australia; p.93. CLICK picture above to view larger image.

Literacy, Numeracy and Educational Tutor specialising in rudimentary language and reading skills programs delivered to adults, children and those with developmental reading disorders (e.g. dyslexia) from 1990.



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Copyright (C) George W. Helon: Australia; 2018-2025.


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